Estimated transit time and postage fee depends on the method you choose at checkout. Please add the desired product to the cart and there you will be able to see all this information.
Complete and right address is the guarantee of fast and efficient delivery, so please kindly recheck it when you place an order.
In order to ensure a fast and efficient delivery, we need to have the method of contact with you. Email and Phone Number is a very important detail and must be accurate. All orders with an incorrect email or phone number will be canceled immediately.
We strive to dispatch all orders within 72 hours of placing your order. But sometimes if the order is big or the products are more sophisticated, it can take a little longer. As soon as we dispatched it, you will receive a confirmation email along with a tracking number.
Please be aware that sometimes due to unclear address, hard to access, no answer at address, the package can be kept at your local post office for collection. In this case you will be informed by the delivery company and by us. Please also monitor the tracking number.